Between the take-out containers from lunch, the coffee cups, water bottles, and piles of print-outs that end up being tossed in the trash, it can be frustrating to watch as all that recyclable material from work ends up in the wrong place. If you feel like your office...
Blogs Junk Removal
This Summer Vacation, Think Green
Summer is a time where it’s easy to recognize and embrace the beauty of the environment around us, so why not make a commitment to the environment by doing what you can for it, no matter where you go? Since summer is often a time for travelling to new and exciting...
Are Your Kids Passionate About Recycling?
Environmentally conscious homeowners are becoming more and more enlightened about the benefits of recycling. But when you’re the only one in a household who cares about making a difference, a large percentage of potentially recyclable materials could be going to the...
Make Your Own Garden Soil with Organic Compost
You can save money and cut down on the amount of kitchen waste that is thrown in the garbage by adding composting to your backyard gardening approach. Consider making your own highly enriched garden soil with organic compost – a process that is simple, tremendously...
Make a Difference with Junk Removal: Here’s How
Removing unwanted junk and clutter from your house is a great way to create more space and help you feel more relaxed in your home. It’s easy to fall into the trap of throwing your old items into a junk room and forgetting about it – out of sight, out of mind. Until,...
Are You an Environmentally Friendly Homeowner?
The call to environmental awareness is at its loudest as nature and Mother Earth start to struggle against the difficulties created by human behaviour. Animals and vegetation are having trouble adapting to climate change and global temperatures are on the rise as...
What is Wish Cycling and Why Must it End?
So, you’ve decided to join in on the recycling bandwagon. That’s great! Recycling is a great way to save the environment from further damage and deterioration. Aside from reusing any of the stuff you have at home, you can also choose to toss things into a recycling...
How Your Computer Ended Up In Space… Or Someone’s Mouth
These days, everyone owns an electronic. The tech industry is huge and constantly developing advanced toys and new-and-improved devices such as that cell phone or tablet in your hands. Even if you don’t buy into the constant replacement of tech, after a couple years...
10 Home Repairs to Do Before Winter Sets In
There are a bunch of different things that you’re going to want to get out of the way before the mercury starts to drop and cold weather really starts to set in. We’ve included ten of the most important home repair tips you’ll want to focus on below! Load up on...
5 Surprising Items that You Can’t Recycle
As the world moves towards a more renewable model, it can be surprising to learn that some everyday materials are still not recyclable. With that in mind, let’s review five surprising items that you can’t recycle. Pizza Boxes “Come on, really?” By far, pizza boxes not...