Are You an Environmentally Friendly Homeowner?
The call to environmental awareness is at its loudest as nature and Mother Earth start to struggle against the difficulties created by human behaviour. Animals and vegetation are having trouble adapting to climate change and global temperatures are on the rise as...
What is Wish Cycling and Why Must it End?
So, you’ve decided to join in on the recycling bandwagon. That’s great! Recycling is a great way to save the environment from further damage and deterioration. Aside from reusing any of the stuff you have at home, you can also choose to toss things into a recycling...
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Taking out the garbage is a pretty mindless task for most people. You trudge the curb – maybe holding the bag out at arm’s length and trying not to inhale – and dump the bag in the garbage can. It’s nothing more than one chore on a long list of household tasks. But...
Start the Year Right – 4 Easy Tips to Effectively Declutter Your Space
While some people might have resolutions to lose weight and earn more, others have New Year’s resolutions focused on decluttering their space. You probably accumulated some documents, old clothes, and even useless junk in the past year. Be honest – bet you have a...
Go Green in 2016 – 4 Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly
With all the pollution generated in the past few centuries our world has become something of a toxic place to live, unfortunately. The irresponsible habits we’ve developed have taken a significant toll on the environment we live in, making it harder and harder for not...
How Your Computer Ended Up In Space… Or Someone’s Mouth
These days, everyone owns an electronic. The tech industry is huge and constantly developing advanced toys and new-and-improved devices such as that cell phone or tablet in your hands. Even if you don’t buy into the constant replacement of tech, after a couple years...
Estate Cleanout in 3 Easy Steps
After the passing of someone close, the last thing that you ever want to have to deal with is cleaning out their estate and making sure that the right things get to the right people and that the rest is disposed of as appropriate. People live incredibly complex lives,...
Bye Bye, Clutter! – How To Get Started On Cleaning Out Your Office
Our workspaces are our home away from home. Whether you are a public servant, work for a start-up, or run your own business, you probably spend more time in your office than in your own bed! We make our workspaces our own by keeping stuff, decorating, and generally...
10 Home Repairs to Do Before Winter Sets In
There are a bunch of different things that you’re going to want to get out of the way before the mercury starts to drop and cold weather really starts to set in. We’ve included ten of the most important home repair tips you’ll want to focus on below! Load up on...
FREE E-Waste Pick Up and Drop Off for the Ottawa Food Bank
Do you have an old television gathering dust in your basement that you’d love to get rid of? Have you recently upgraded your microwave but haven’t had a chance to safely dispose of the old one? Cracked iPhones amassing in a drawer? We have an opportunity for you to...