Thinking about getting rid of a large volume of old junk? If you’re looking at the Ottawa dump as a means of doing so, there are some important things to consider. This includes the type(s) of waste you’ll be dropping off; the volume of junk you’re getting rid of;...
Blogs Junk Removal
Your Mattress Is More Valuable Than You Think
.The value of your mattress goes beyond providing a good night’s sleep. You’d be shocked to know how many materials in your mattress can be recycled and re-used. Every 8 to 10 years or so, it’s good to replace your mattress — but it’s vital that you get rid of your...
Understanding the VOCs in Your Waste
Most homeowners know how to store potentially dangerous materials in their homes to keep their family safe — but they have no idea how to dispose of them safely. Does your home contain any products with volatile organic compounds — more commonly known as VOCs? At Junk...
Everything You Need to Know About Getting Rid of Batteries
It’s time to purge that drawer in your home that’s full of old batteries — but before you do, there’s a lot you need to know. After all, there are various types of batteries that the average homeowner has in their home — and not all of them can be disposed of the same...
Don’t Make These Hazardous Waste Mistakes
If an item is poisonous, flammable or corrosive, it’s hazardous. When sent to a landfill, items deemed household hazardous waste (HHW) wreak havoc on the soil, water and air. This is why it’s important to make sure that your hazardous materials are disposed of...
It’s Time to Replace Your Furniture
Like food and household appliances, your furniture has an expiry date. Would you hold on to expired milk? We think not. Don’t punish yourself by holding on to old furniture. We get it, furniture can be expensive — but it’s also a worthwhile investment. In other words,...
Junk Ninja’s Guide to: E-Waste
.At Junk Ninja, we understand how challenging it can be to dispose of e-waste, and how imperative it is that this waste is disposed of properly. This is why we offer professional electronic waste removal and recycling services — to make it that much easier to get rid...
What to Know Before You Clean Your Yard This Spring
We know that cleaning your yard can be a daunting task, especially if you are preparing for a spring full of gardening and enhancing your home’s landscaping. Before cleaning your yard, you’re going to want to plan ahead. It’s a good idea to make sure you have all the...
It’s Time to Clean Out Your Garage
Your garage works harder than any other room in your home. Because it isn’t inside your home like a living room, bathroom or bedroom, it tends to go unnoticed — and become a storage space. Chances are, your garage is way overdue for a good clean out. At Junk Ninja, we...
When Hazardous Materials are Tossed or Dumped
If there’s one thing you need to know about Junk Ninja, it’s that we take everything — except for things that are hazardous. Before you get in touch with us for full-service junk removal, be sure to see what we can take and form a game plan to get rid of any hazardous...