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Ottawa Junk Removal: Less Stress When You’re Moving

Are you getting ready to move soon?

Moving is a carefree, easy process that involves no stress at all – said pretty much nobody ever.

Of course, moving is one of the most stressful things we’ll ever do in life. From the organizing and packing to the actual move itself – then getting to your new abode and undoing it all with the unpacking and re-organizing – moving can really take its toll.

Inevitably, the moving process involves decisions of what to keep and what to get rid of. That’s stressful.

Then the next decision, once you’ve designated what will and won’t be moving with you, is: “How to I get rid of all this junk?” (that’s what it is, by definition, once we no longer want something!)

Your options come down to garage sale, kijiji, hauling junk to the dump (and paying them for the privilege), or hiring professional junk removal to take away some of your items – and a lot of your stress!

We’re biased, of course, being in the Ottawa junk removal business, but in this article we’ll give you some great reasons to opt for junk removal to alleviate a lot of the stress and hassle from the moving process.


junk hauled to garbage dumpIt seems to be human nature, especially here in Canada.

We’re a consumer culture.

We buy things. We use them for a while. Then we set them on a shelf, in the garage or in the basement – never to touch them again.

It’s not always intentional.

Sometimes it’s an appliance or other object that has broken down over time, no longer functional or serving our future needs.

Whatever the case may be, those things that we paid hard-earned money for back in the day? They’ve now become junk.

We tend not to realize the scale and scope of the junk we’ve accumulated over the years. Then suddenly, one day, it just creeps up on us. That’s a lot of junk!

This day is often the time when we are getting ready to move.

Naturally, we waited until we could find THE most stressful time of our lives to realize that we have a lot of junk that needs to be removed.

But how?

What’s the best way to get rid of that junk?


old junk on drivewayFor some smaller items that have potential value, you could sell these at a garage sale or online at Kijiji, eBay, etc.

There’s some merit to this.

Garage sales are popular in Ottawa. And they’re a pretty good way to send some knickknacks and old things that we no longer want but… someone might? Maybe? Hopefully?

If you’ve got enough lead time ahead of moving day, you might try your hand at a garage sale.

What are the pros of a garage sale? Well, you might take in some cash (helpful for that move ahead)… and you might get rid of some junk. Same pros for Kijiji/eBay, etc.

How about the cons of garage sales?

Well, it takes time and energy to set all the stuff out for the garage sale. Then you’ve got people coming to your home, knowing where you live and what you like to buy or collect. Finally, the reality is that a lot of the junk (pardon us, “products”) that people put out for garage sales don’t sell; now you’re stuck with the junk and you have to haul it back into the house.

woman meets stranger in public to sell junk

The cons for Kijiji are pretty much those – plus having to arrange to meet a stranger (preferably not at your home!), negotiate with them, and having to haul the items to (and possibly back from) the meet.

eBay is a fun platform to buy and sell used goods. But in the stressful time of a move, who has the time or energy to play that game?


Your next option is to take all the junk you’ve accumulated – including heavy items, e.g. old appliances, heavy furniture, etc.) and haul that junk by yourself to the dump.


The junk has been removed.


You had to do all the heavy lifting yourself! That means moving the items within your home; then out to the car or truck. Did you have to rent a truck to get to the dump? Many people do – but that costs money.

Speaking of costs… After all the effort, time and money you’ve spent hauling the junk to the Ottawa dump? They’re going to charge you for the privilege!


boxes set up for junk removalJunk removal is, hands-down, the simplest, least-stressful way of getting rid of unwanted items when moving in (or from) Ottawa.

No heavy lifting.

No sore backs or muscle aches & pains.

No headaches, having to deal with people.

No time wasted.

Just get in touch with Junk Ninja, the leader in Ottawa junk removal, and we’ll take care of the rest – so you can continue your household move with less worries & stress.

Getting rid of old appliances? We’ll take them away for you.

Heavy furniture not going on your move? We’ll do all the lifting, getting those couches, love seats, tables, chairs and whatever else out the door and onto our truck.

Got an accumulation of junk from years of residing at your current home?

Most people do! And now you know how to get rid of it.

Contact us today to get started on your stress-free Ottawa junk removal process.

Read on for more insights on 10 Surprising Facts about Ottawa Junk Removal.

With our professional junk removal services, we are proud to serve the Ottawa area. Contact Junk Ninja for the following Junk Removal Services:- 


  Junk Removal                                             ➤ E-Waste Removal    

 Appliance Removal                                  ➤ Hot Tube Removal

 Furniture Removal                                    ➤ Yard Waste Removal

 Renovation Cleanup                               ➤ Deck Removal

 Hoarding Cleanup                                    ➤ E-State Cleanup

 Light Bulb Disposal                                  


Would you like to know more about the Ottawa Recycling, Removal, and Disposal Guide and also want to contribute to the fight against climate change? Find out what can be recycled in Ottawa, where to find recycling depots, and how to reduce your waste in this helpful guide.You can also check our Complete Guide to Junk Removal In Ottawa.



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