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The Emotional Benefits of De-Cluttering Your Space

There is a huge emotional burden that comes with not being able to part with the belongings you’ve collected throughout your life. Clutter is not an obstacle that is easy to overcome, which is why we offer full-service junk removal to aid you in clearing out your space so that you can turn over a new leaf. We understand that clutter can take an emotional toll, which is why we aim to make the removal process seamless.

Junk Ninja knows that your stuff isn’t junk – you simply don’t have room for it anymore, and that is okay. Your long preserved, sentimental items won’t be going to the garbage; we recycle, re-use and donate the things we collect. We are happy to take your stuff off your hands; all you need to do is give us a call to book an appointment! Before you get in touch though (we hope you do), learn about what we can pick up.

After we help you make that transformative change, you will be shocked at how much better you feel emotionally and physically. There is a range of advantages that come with de-cluttering, the most important being improved emotional and mental health. You’ll be shocked at how much better and relieved you feel. We know you can do it, and that all you need is a helping hand to take that first step.

These are the 8 top emotional benefits of decluttering:

It’s a Fresh Slate

The best thing about making a huge life change is that the possibilities after that transition are endless. After your de-clutter, you will have a fresh slate to take better care of your home and yourself. With the help of junk removal experts like us, you can start over. Shedding your past stresses makes room to hit refresh and restart. When you go from a full home to one with space to move around and breath, you will feel nothing less than rejuvenated – and ready for the next chapter.

Learning to Let Go

A predominant part of the de-cluttering process – and why it can be challenging and draining – is that we all have things that we don’t want to let go. We hold on to things for sentimental value, and that’s okay. That being said, it does come to the point that we need to part with some things because there is only so much room in one home.

Holding on to things has a way of keeping you in the past, rather than looking towards the future. That’s where we come in, to help you through the process and make sure that when we leave, you are feeling relieved and revitalized. It’s easier to let go knowing that your precious items aren’t going to a landfill – instead, they are being recycled, reused or donated. We understand the pride you have for your belongings, which is we treat them like valuable products — not easily disposable garbage. Once you can let go of some of your items, you will feel free, and more able to let go of other things that may be holding you back.

It Will Get You Moving

Decluttering is no easy thing – moving around and sorting through your belongings will get you active and physical. You may not be moving your old refrigerator (that’s our job), but you will likely be going through your items to get organized and make a final decision on what it is that you want to get rid of. Plus, the de-cluttering process will boost that energy! Moving around and making decisions helps with confidence, and feeling productive. When you start actively sorting through things, getting proactive, and making a change, it encourages you to focus on the task at hand — instead of letting your mind wander to other things, like stresses.

De-Cluttering Reduces Anxiety

Truthfully, packed spaces are not good for the mind – they can cause feelings of chaos, and more often than not are incredibly overwhelming for the person inhabiting the space. According to, a 2009 study showed that having clutter in a home can increase depression in a homeowner. Cluttered spaces can make an owner feel embarrassed and stressed out due to the mess. This stress tends to cause anxiety that cripples someone from making a change. When you finally do make that change, it will make a world of a difference for your mental health.

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It Encourages You to Set Goals

Whether your goal is to create a space in your home that is quiet and clear of distractions or to maintain a cleaner room, the process of getting unneeded things out of your house will help you plan for the future. Achieving a large goal such as de-cluttering your home is a stepping stone in setting ambitious goals – and showing you that goals are achievable.

It Helps Clear Your Mind

 Clear space, clear mind – our junk removal experts are happy to take your things to make more room in your home or office.  There is something about a clean, clear space that helps you open your mind. Without the distractions, stresses and chaos that come with having a lot of clutter, you can have peace of mind – and direct your thinking towards something more productive. With this kind of transition, inspiration is a lot more likely to hit, and productivity is well within your reach.

Hot Tub Removal

It Can Help You Sleep

It’s no secret that stress and anxiety make it hard to sleep. A sleep study done by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine has shown that people who sleep in cluttered rooms are at higher risk of developing a hoarding disorder. While having a lot of clutter may have occupied your mind and kept you from a good night’s sleep, post-de-cluttering you will find it a lot easier to sleep.

Making that transition gives you peace of mind that you actually made an impactful change, and gives you that confidence to take control over your life and health. With clutter not at the forefront of your mind, you’ll find it that much easier to relax and rest.

While sleep is great for your physical health, it also has a significant impact on you emotionally. Being well rested makes a considerable difference when assessing and dealing with emotional situations. Nothing would make us happier than providing our junk removal services and playing a small part in aiding you in making that life change.

It Improves Your Physical Health

Emotional health and physical health aren’t interchangeable, but they do have an impact on one another. Clutter can generate dust and airborne toxins that aren’t good for your physical health. With the physical improvement of a clean home, you will feel emotionally refreshed, and better able to conquer the day. De-cluttering is a major step towards self-care, and we are happy to answer any of your full-service junk removal questions to help make the process as efficient and transparent as we can.

It Decreases Stress

It is easy to get stressed and overwhelmed by living in a space full of items that you can’t wrap your head around removing. There are a lot of reasons for living in clutter – and anxiety, the stress of not knowing where to start, and lack of motivation are only a few of those reasons. Clutter has a way of making it hard to mentally and physically relax. Often, it results in guilt and embarrassment over the state of your home – and cripples you from making any changes. Removing this stress by doing a massive clean-up isn’t easy by any means, but it’s an imperative step to starting your path to a life with better stress-management, and ideally less stress over-all.

emotional declutter

It Improves Your Overall Mood

It’s hard to be in a good mood when you’re living in a house that is packed to the brim with items that are taking up space, that you can’t seem to part with – and likely feel guilty parting with. When you finally make the move to declutter your place, it will feel like a massive weight has been taken off your shoulders – and in a way, that’s exactly what happened. Restarting your life with a space free of chaos, and a sense of unlimited opportunity is sure to put some pep into your step – and give you a whole new look at life.

About Junk Ninja

Junk Ninja is an Ottawa based full-service junk removal company dedicated to providing quality service, with quality customer relations to match. We may be an Ottawa junk removal team, but we service a variety of cities across Ontario, not limited to Kitchener, Waterloo, Brantford and Mississauga. All you have to do is give us a call or book an appointment today, and we will provide you with an appointment date, as well as a time slot. Time slots are done based on two-hour windows, to ensure we will be on time.

Once we arrive, we are happy to asses and provide a complimentary quote. After we get the green light, our same-day service will come into play, and we will remove all of the things you want to get off your hands. If you require more information, you can learn about our full junk removal services on our site.

Discover more content The Emotional Impact of Clutter.

With our professional junk removal services, we are proud to serve the Ottawa area. Contact Junk Ninja for the following Junk Removal Services:- 


  Junk Removal                                             ➤ E-Waste Removal    

 Appliance Removal                                  ➤ Hot Tube Removal

 Furniture Removal                                    ➤ Yard Waste Removal

 Renovation Cleanup                               ➤ Deck Removal

 Hoarding Cleanup                                    ➤ E-State Cleanup

 Light Bulb Disposal                                  


Would you like to know more about the Ottawa Recycling, Removal, and Disposal Guide and also want to contribute to the fight against climate change? Find out what can be recycled in Ottawa, where to find recycling depots, and how to reduce your waste in this helpful guide.You can also check our Complete Guide to Junk Removal In Ottawa.


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