If you are looking for junk removal services in Ottawa, Junk Ninja is your best option. We strive to offer our services with great care, as a green company who works with our customer’s well-being in mind. We understand that the circumstances under which you may need...
Blogs Junk Removal
Top Five Qualities You Want In A Junk Removal Company
We've Created A BOLO: Be On The Look Out For These Things! We get a lot of people from towns and cities right across Canada, calling us for advice on how to find the best junk removal company. Folks ask us whether we can recommend someone close to their...
Dumpster Rentals and the End of Summer
We all say “time flies” at some point during each summer season. It is true, or at least it seems true, that the pace of our lives picks up as the glorious days of summer are upon us, and yet summer is the perfect moment to consider your autumn plans. Though you may...
The Many Benefits of Appliance Removal in Ottawa
Do you have, like so many other home or property owners, a "spare" refrigerator on the premises? Millions of people have large and bulky appliances they keep on hand and even use because they just don't know how to get rid of these cumbersome beasts. Whether it is...
What to Do When You Have Something Unusual to Get Rid Of
If you are a home or property owner, you probably have experience in dealing with unwanted items and even junk. The bundles of newspapers, the old electronics, and even the yard waste require you to have at least one trustworthy resource for household junk removal in...
How to Make Your Office Relocation Smoother with Junk Ninja
Relocating your office can be a huge boost for your business. It often means morespace, a better location, a more affordable building, or some combination of thosebenefits. But relocating an entire office is never as simple as you think it will be. Here’show to smooth...
Start the New Season with a Good Cleanout Using Junk Removal in Ottawa
Though it is still winter, you probably had some good intentions of getting a head starton spring cleaning, right? Maybe it was to get that closet organized or tackle thatparticularly chaotic corner of the garage? Whatever goals you have for getting your NewYear off...
Don’t Overlook the Benefits of Electronics Recycling in Ottawa
Are you someone who sees yourself as "green" or at least "greener" than most? If so, you may want to discover how electronics recycling in Ottawa can help to keep you on track. Ottawa garbage collection is not just a single stream of materials sent endlessly into a...
Kick Off a Redesign with Furniture Removal
Are you hesitating to redecorate a space in your home because you dread the process of furniture removal? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people sigh as they look at an outdated sofa, a bedroom set that hearkens back to the 1970s, or an entertainment centre that...
Is Your Yard Ready for Spring? Make Sure with General Junk Removal in Ottawa
Sooner than you realize, spring will have "sprung". The yard will start to need some early attention, with any of last season's leaves and debris removed and any fallen branches or other items cleaned up, too. Some basic repairs might be needed to address issues that...